@Ledger.com/Start® |

Ledger.com/start is your starting point for setting up and managing your Ledger device. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting, …

Ledger.com/start is your gateway to embarking on a secure and efficient journey into the world of cryptocurrencies. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of starting with Ledger, exploring its features, setting up your hardware wallet, and ensuring the security of your digital assets.

Introduction to Ledger.com/start

Ledger.com/start serves as the starting point for users looking to begin their cryptocurrency journey with Ledger. It provides a step-by-step guide to setting up your Ledger hardware wallet, creating a secure storage solution for your digital assets, and accessing the wide range of features offered by Ledger's ecosystem.

Key Features of Ledger Hardware Wallets

  1. Hardware Security: Ledger hardware wallets utilize secure chip technology to store private keys offline, ensuring protection against hacking and unauthorized access.

  2. Backup and Recovery: Ledger devices generate a 24-word recovery phrase during setup, serving as a backup in case of loss or damage to the device. This recovery phrase allows users to restore access to their funds on a new Ledger device.

  3. User-Friendly Interface: Ledger hardware wallets are designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, making them accessible to users of all experience levels.

  4. Multi-Currency Support: Ledger supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to manage multiple assets within a single device.

  5. Security Features: Ledger devices incorporate advanced security features, such as PIN protection and passphrase support, to enhance the security of user funds.

Setting Up Your Ledger Hardware Wallet

Setting up your Ledger hardware wallet via ledger.com/start involves the following steps:

  1. Unboxing Your Ledger Device: Begin by unboxing your Ledger hardware wallet and ensuring that all components are present and undamaged.

  2. Connecting Your Device: Connect your Ledger device to your computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable or Bluetooth connection.

  3. Accessing ledger.com/start: Open your web browser and navigate to ledger.com/start to access the setup wizard for your Ledger device.

  4. Initializing Your Device: Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize your Ledger device. This includes setting up a PIN code and generating your 24-word recovery phrase.

  5. Backing Up Your Recovery Phrase: Write down your 24-word recovery phrase on the provided recovery sheet and store it in a safe and secure location offline. This recovery phrase is essential for recovering access to your funds in case your Ledger device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  6. Completing Setup: Once you have backed up your recovery phrase, your Ledger hardware wallet is ready to use. Follow any remaining on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.

Using Your Ledger Hardware Wallet

With your Ledger hardware wallet set up, you can perform various actions to manage your cryptocurrencies securely:

  • Receiving Funds: Generate receiving addresses for different cryptocurrencies and share them with others to receive funds securely.

  • Sending Funds: Send cryptocurrencies to other addresses by confirming transactions on your Ledger device.

  • Managing Accounts: Organize your cryptocurrency holdings by creating multiple accounts within your Ledger device.

  • Checking Balances: View your cryptocurrency balances and transaction history directly on your Ledger device or through compatible wallet applications.

Security Best Practices

To ensure the security of your Ledger hardware wallet and your digital assets, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Protect Your Recovery Phrase: Store your recovery phrase securely and avoid sharing it with anyone. Never enter your recovery phrase on a digital device or share it online.

  • Use a Strong PIN: Choose a strong PIN code for your Ledger device and avoid using easily guessable combinations.

  • Enable Passphrase Protection: Consider enabling passphrase protection for an additional layer of security, especially for advanced users.

  • Regularly Update Firmware: Keep your Ledger device's firmware up to date to benefit from the latest security enhancements and features.


Ledger.com/start provides users with a convenient and secure way to set up their Ledger hardware wallets and begin managing their cryptocurrency holdings. By following the setup process outlined in this guide and implementing security best practices, you can confidently store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies while keeping your digital assets safe and secure. Ledger's commitment to hardware security, user-friendly interface, and extensive cryptocurrency support make it a trusted choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.

Last updated